HTML Text color codes

You can use the following HTML code to specify color text within your HTML
In HTML, color is applied using
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). More
specifically, to set the foreground color of an element, you use the
property. To set the background color, use the

background-color property.

Text Color - Inline Styles

Using inline styles, your code is inserted within the HTML element that you
want to apply color to. This is done by using the 'style' attribute along with
the span tag.
This code results in:
Normal text color different text color normal
text color different background color

Text Color - Embedded Styles:

Using embedded styles, the CSS code is inserted between the
style tags
within the head of the document.

This code results in:
Normal text color different text color
normal text color

Text Color - External Style Sheet

If you have a multiple page website, you should consider placing your text
color code into an
external style
sheet. This makes it much easier to maintain the styles across your whole

Choosing your Colors

There are millions of different colors to choose from when creating color
schemes for websites.


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